Monthly Archives: November 2012
Match Report ~ Firebrands 0-4 BAC

It was an early game for the first’s this week, half nine start at Clifton college against firebrands,which meant an even earlier meet, half 8, yuk! At least it wasn’t raining, yet!!
Hold that thought!!!
The warm up started well,everybody had bought PMA(positive mental attitude)with them, Lor and Cheryl had also bought PMT(we all know that one), great!!! We had a quick team introduction to our umpire, he thought we were taking the P–s,would we?
2 minutes to push back and yes it had started to rain, not only was it early, it was cold and now wet!!!
Match Report ~ BAC 3 -2 Cheltenham Civil Service
Match Report ~ Lydney 2 – BAC2 4

“Does anyone know where my ball bag is?” was this weeks first prematch kit related text message. With the location of Sophie’s ball bag still a mystery, the BAC 2nds headed off to Lydney for a mid morning away game. Lydney is a tropical paradise which is reached via international travel, the tourist board can provide hotel recommendations.
In addition to the 3 points up for grabs this week, we also had an opportunity to see why Lydney were our closest rival for the title “Best teas in the league”.
Match Report ~ Wootton Bassett 3 – 3 BAC

This weekend saw BAC visit Royal Wootton Bassett. The day started well as we left the showers behind in Bristol and welcomed some sunshine. Tapper thought she could dazzle the opposition with shiny new laces (her old ones were boring apparently). The warm up nearly ended up as a punch-up when Lisa told Ali she was a dog (something to do with high pitched squeaky voices). Least we had an upgrade on the changing room front!