Category Archives: Social
BAC 2014 AGM **FRIDAY 11th APRIL @ 7pm**

Do not forget the BAC 2014 AGM is this Friday (11th April) at 7pm, and will be held at Broad Plain Rugby Club
(Bristol South End, St John’s Lane, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 5AZ)
If you have not already voted then please do so by Thursday 10th April.
For those of you wishing to run for officers of the club, please let Andrew know by Friday.
BAC Xmas Party

Come and come in the Christmas 70s sparkley fun this year at the BAC Christmas do!
Wear your best Christmas dancing outfits and come and stuff your face with vol au vents!
This Saturday 7th December 7.30-11.30pm at –
The Hungerford Community Centre & Social Club,
Hungerford Road,
There will be music, a quiz and 70s style buffet!
Tickets £10 from Becky (